
Posts categorized in ‘books’ (7)

Book notes: Atomic Habits by James Clear

How to create a good habit Make it obvious Fill a scorecard. Become aware of your habits: write them down (habit scorecard) Intentions. Use: I will [BEHAVIOR] at [TIME] in [LOCATION] Habit stacking. After [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT] Design your environment. Make the cues obvious and visible Make it attractive Temptation bundling. Pair an action you want with an action you need Community. Join a culture where the desired behavior is normal Motivation ritual.

Book notes: Can't hurt me by David Goggins

High level summary Nothing can stop someone who don’t allow to be stopped The accountability mirror concept The cookie jar concept: split bigger objective into smaller ones and each achievement will be a cookie The 40%/60% rule: When you cannot take it anymore, you are at your 40%, you still have a lot to go… Battle against yourself, not against others It is a life-long mindset, not just a race Push your limits in small percentages, maybe 10% each week of your previous limit Stretching is very important.

Book notes: Trading in the zone

I very much enjoyed this book. Awesome insights, but there is a bad news… Trading is too much correlated with self confidence and self mastery. I have personal issues with that at this time, so it is something I really need to improve. For that very same reason I will continue on my previous research on algorithmic trading for the time being. Objectives To prove that the solution is not better analysis Attitude and state of mind = results Provide the right attitudes = think in probabilities Address conflicts in the way of thinking Integrate this way of thinking in a functional level I am a consistent winner because: (7 must have to be a consistent winner) I objectively identify my edges I pre-define the risk of every trade I completely accept the risk, or let go the trade I act on my edges without hesitation I pay myself as the market makes money available to me I continue to monitor my susceptibility to make errors (being aware) I never violate these principles

Book notes: A crianca preciosa numa familia funcional/disfuncional

I am all thumbs, there might be typos here. Spelling a document takes too much time and since probably no one else but me reads this anyway, I will save some time by not spelling it on purpose. If this bothers you, go read the NY Times instead…

A crianca preciosa numa familia funcional …

Book notes: Boundaries When To Say Yes, How to Say No. By Henry Cloud and John Townsend

Boundaries: when to say yes, how to say no
Dr. Henry Cloud, Dr. John Townsend
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Book notes: Permanent record by Edward Snowden

title Permanent Record author Edward Snowden links Goodreads personal rating 9⁄10 Personal comments I found the book a delight. It reminded me my own experience growing since we have so many similarities. I also dismantled things, I also lived up internet on the 90’s on bulletin boards and cracking groups. Actionable tasks TODO How to establish a secured connection over satellite if possible TODO How to create my own TOR relay to mix in with other’s traffic TODO How to use pihole