New blog in org-mode and Hugo
— Albert De La Fuente VigliottiOkay this is like my fifth attempt to blog and so far, unsuccessfully.
My first couple of blogs were on blogspot around 2005 or so, later I switched to dokuwiki, which is awesome but it didn’t integrated well on my workflow. So I tried some extensions to try to write directly in markdown but it didn’t work well for me. Then I moved to Hyde, which a Python static website generator. I invested quite some time customizing everything to my needs and while it was functional, I had to write in markdown (which I don’t like…). I tried to write in RST at that time without success.
Then I moved from Vim to Emacs and discovered org-mode… And yeah, everything changed… I love Emacs+Org-Mode and I used quite a lot (and I still use Vim occasionally).
I wanted to write directly in Org-Mode for my new blog to see if content flows this time (hopefully) and I can achieve the integration I was looking for all these years.
The version of this blog uses plain Org-Mode and Hugo with ox-hugo as a middle helper. So far, so good, I just migrated my old posts which are few in number.
What I am looking forward is to create a mix of a Blog and a digital garden for my notes (also known as second brain or exobrain).
The rest of the file is actually a sandbox of general Org-Mode formatting to check out how it renders on Hugo itself.
This is H1 #
There is paragraph under h1
H2 #
- H3 with a tag
Some basic test #
This is bold, italic, code
, verbatim
and strike text.
- However bold and italic doesn’t play well when used together like in markdown.
- However bold and italic doesn’t play well when used together like in markdown.
List #
- Bullet
- Another bullet
- child
- deep
- child
Other style #
- Bullet
- Another bullet
- child
- deep
- child
Other style #
- Bullet
- Another bullet
- child
- deep
- child
Style *
isn’t supported.
Links #
Check List [1⁄3]
Heading and has special class however <ul>
and <li>
are plain.
Task List #
TODO some to-do #
DONE done to-do #
Items are added with special class.
Tables #
number | description |
1 | looooong long name |
5 | name |
has even
and odd
Source Code #
Emacs Lisp:
(defun negate (x)
"Negate the value of x."
(- x))
(negate 10))
There are interesting classes like sourceCode
and example
Also there html5 attributes prefixed with rundoc-
factorial :: Int -> Int
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n - 1)
LaTeX #
- Characters: α β → ↑ \or \and \implies π ∞
- Inline Math: \(f(x) = x^2\)
- More complex: \(\frac{x^2}{2}\)
LaTeX characters are wrapped in <em>
and Math inside <span class="math inline">
\mathscr{Hello!} #
8 * 3 &= 8 + 8 \
&= 24
NOTE: There is standard LaTeX embeded above which is skipped during compilation to HTML.
This is using MathJax
\[\sum_{i=0}^n i^2 = \frac{(n^2+n)(2n+1)}{6}\]
Deadline #
Tagged tag #
Tags are not visible in render
Block Quote #
Org mode is amazing. So is Hakyll & Pandoc.
Image #
Images has to have extension like:
then it can be loaded even from other origin..

Description List #
- Frodo
- The hobbit ringbearer
- Aragorn
- The human ranger, true kind of Gondor
- Gandalf
- The Grey Wizard
creddits to nihilmancer