How to install the BBC Symphony Orchestra on Arch Linux using Yabridge for Reaper use

Albert De La Fuente Vigliotti

How to install the BBC Symphony Orchestra on Arch Linux using Yabridge for Reaper use #

I have adapted from this Reddit post.

Prepare by installing requirements and adding the user to the realtime group:

sudo pacman --noconfirm -S vulkan-intel vulkan-icd-loader vulkan-swrast
sudo pacman --noconfirm -S yabridge yabridgectl
sudo pacman --noconfirm -S realtime-privileges
sudo pacman --noconfirm -S wine-staging
yay --noconfirm -S bottles

mkdir .lv2
mkdir .clap
mkdir .vst
sudo usermod -a -G realtime av
sudo reboot

NOTE: If for some reason anything breaks with the bottle and you cannot install it again under the same path, check out the ~/.local/share/bottles/bottles folder and delete the bottle manually.

Create a new bottle:

  • Name: audio_plugins
  • Custom > Bottle directory: ~/.bottles
  • Run executable using the blue button: SpitfireAudio-Win-3.x.x.exe

Fill the email and password and check remember me. Minimize and restore the window several times to update.

Add your new VST to yabridge:

yabridgectl add ~/.bottles/audio_plugins/drive_c/Program\ Files/Common\ Files/VST3/
yabridgectl add ~/.bottles/audio_plugins/drive_c/Program\ Files/VstPlugins/

Sync it:

yabridgectl sync --prune --verbose

Check it:

yabridgectl status

Now run your DAW with the following wrapper script

#!/usr/bin/env bash



NOTE: Alternatively if you don’t want to use bottles, you should be able to use wine by using another folder like this:

  • WINEPREFIX=~/.wine_audio_plugins winetricks -f -q dxvk
  • WINEPREFIX=~/.wine_audio_plugins wine SpitfireAudio-Win-3.x.x.exe

References #

How to run Spitfire LABS on Linux? : r/linuxaudio #

Produção musical no Linux | Raul Dipeas #