
Posts categorized in ‘linux’ (11)

How to list all projects in BitBucket

Related notes How to list all projects in Gitlab, How to list all projects in Github Install the bbcli with: pacaur -S bbcli Auth with: bb auth login At the writing of this, the tool doesn’t seem to support oauth and bitbucket seems to be enforcing it recently. So I am abandoning this. I think I will move out of bitbucket anyway.

How to use tsrc to manage multiple git repositories and remotes

Related notes How to list all projects in Gitlab, How to list all projects in Github Install the package pip install --user tsrc Create the manifest repository Create a new repository named manifest Create a file manifest.yml with the following content: repos:-dest:orgbranch:masterremotes:-name:originurl:[email protected]:<user>/<repo>.git-name:httpsurl:https://<user>:<token><organization>/<repo>.git-name:nasurl:ssh://<user>@<server>:<port>/<path>/<repo>.git This will create the setup for a repository that always stays in sync across all the remotes. The cool thing about this is that it will automatically keep in sync the git remotes with this definition.

How to list all projects in Gitlab

I have tested the glab tool and apparently there should be a way to list all projects but I couldn’t do it. Maybe the arch linux package is still not updated and there is no aur package, so… I searched for an alternative and luckily there is always a python tool/module to help us out… so I installed python-gitlab-cli. Setup is pretty straight forward, just read the docs. Alternatively you can install the AUR package with:

How to recover a GRUB bootloader on a filesystem with LUKS and LVM

Recently an upgrade on my notebook went bad and broke something. I wasn’t sure what went wrong but since I had just one system at that time, I had to figure out how to fix it with the help of my phone. Basically what I did is install EtchDroid to be able to download an iso and flash it to a …

How to manually boot/recover a system with LUKS and LVM

I have been using LVM on top of LUKS for more than 2 years without problems. However since I haven’t had the chance to troubleshoot these technologies in the past I was quite concerned of what would happen when I would have problems. Today my main computer didn’t boot up and I had to fix it manually. This post shows the steps I performed to recover my system. I use Arch Linux and I prepared a repository with my custom install method based on archinstaller.

How to publish a GPG key via DNS

Publishing keys is quite common. One nice way to do so is by using the Public Key Association (PKA) DNS record. Basically this is a record that points to a file that can be downloaded over the internet. This method is an alternative (not exclusive) to using keyservers. One of the problems of keyservers (in my opinion), is the problem of deleting old keys. I pretty much like the idea of PGP keyserver which verifies periodically by sending an email if the address is still in use and therefore maintain that uid of the key.

Resizing lvm on luks

How to manually boot/recover a system with LUKS and LVM I have been using LVM on top of LUKS for more than 2 years without problems. However since I haven’t had the chance to troubleshoot these technologies in the past I was quite concerned of what would happen when I would have problems. Today my main computer didn’t boot up and I had to fix it manually. This post shows the steps I performed to recover my system.

Configuring pacsrv and powerpill on Arch Linux

On this post I will show how to configure and use Pacserve and Powerpill on Arch Linux. On a network of several Arch Linux boxes, it is possible to configure a Master server which will hold a copy of all the installed packages within that host and keep it up to date frequently. The other hosts on the network can be configured as Slaves and they will download the packages from the Master whenever possible instead of the Internet directly.